The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Renewable Energy / June 2005
author's letter
The main objective of the present Encyclopedia consists of a presentation of the renewable energy in a realistic and dynamic approach.
To give sufficient guidance within the global energy context, a general chapter introduces the subject. To provide the reader with a precise but also practical overview of each renewable energy form (solar, wind, biomass, minihydro and wave energy, geothermal), underlining the advantages, the constraints and the future prospects, each of the items is presented in two subchapters:
- A first one deals with the indispensable definitions and explanations (as an example among others, what means “renewable”)
- The second part covers the technology and the practice.
This original approach tries to answer the question how far renewable energy can presently and in the future be, to some extent, an alternative or a complement of conventional fossil energy.
In such a context particular importance has to be given to:
- the availability aspect including eventual storage possibilities
- the characteristic of the specific energy density linked to the needed area of an equipment with the environmental aspects and also the economic constraints.
The different renewable energy forms are treated according to the present state of the technology. In a separate chapter the research and development activities are described. They remain essential. The reader will therefore be informed on new systems expected in the future including space solar plants, wave energy, hydrogen etc.
The encyclopedia can be used not only by technical experts but will be of great interest for a larger public due to a relevant illustration.
Even if it could appear beyond the strict scope, to allow a decision taker to get a complete opinion of competitivity aspects of renewable energy, two chapters of economy and statistics are added besides the already mentioned part covering research and development.
The encyclopedia tries to be as near as possible to the real development possibilities of renewable energy, including equipment such as minisolar systems, new wave energy appliances, not forgetting well known applications such as solar and wind pumping etc.
The main intention of the encyclopedia is its detailed presentation of all aspects of renewable energy, the best guarantee for a present and future expansion.
The already mentioned availability aspect of renewable energy (in time and quantity) deserves particular attention within an important chapter of energy storage systems. It covers the present state of the technology but mentions also possible future systems such as cryogenic energy storage, reversible fuel cells etc.
In the preparation of the encyclopedia the author was assisted by an international team comprising experts of the different energy forms. A separate chapter was prepared by a legal expert. All the information given allow the reader to get a detailed overview of each item and to detect the relevant particularities. This is really the fundamental intention of the author by the already mentioned original lay out.
Renewable energy will be treated neither in a too optimistic nor in a pessimistic but only in a realistic approach.
The news letter of Maxime Kleinpeter presents more details on the events of the development of each renewable energy form at the relevant chapter of this site.Dr. Maxime Kleinpeter
Illustrierte Enzyklopädie des erneverbaren Energie
Kurzwort des Verfassers
Dieses Werk behandelt in origineller Vorlage die verschiedenen erneuerbaren Energieformen in Begriffsfeldern mit Unterteilung in
• eine ersten Sparte: «Begriffsbestimmungen»
• eine zweiten Sparte: «Technik und Praxis»
Der Verfasser wurde durch eine internationale Expertengruppe unterstützt.
Es wird ein grosses Kapitel zur Energiespeicherung eingefügt, um der wichtigen Frage der Verfügbarkeit gerecht zu werden.
Um dem Leser Wissen zu Wirtschaftlichkeit, Recht, Statistik bereit zu stellen, werden entsprechende Sparten aufgeführt.
Nicht zuletzt werden auch die entscheidenden Aussichten von Forschung und Entwicklung erwähnt.
Das Buch versucht, die Möglichkeiten der erneuerbaren Energie weder zu optimistisch noch zu zurückhaltend, sondern vor allem realistisch darzustellen. Dies ist die Voraussetzung für einen geeigneten und vertretbaren Einsatz und die weitere Entwicklung der erneuerbaren Energie.
Dr. Maxime Kleinpeter
Encyclopedia Illustrada de la Energia Renovable
Algunas palabras del autor
El objectivo principal de la encyclopedia es la presentación realistica del desarollo, considerando el presente livel tecnico. El objecto es tratado en un aspecto original:
Cada capitolo vieno subdivido en dos partes
- Las definiciones
- La tecnica y la practica
Empezando con un capitolo de generalidád, las differentas formas de Energia renovable (solar, viento, biomassa, minihydraulica, energia de olas, geothermica), tambien illustradas son completadas con
- Un capitolo almacenamiento (considerando el aspecto fundamental de la disponibilidád)
- Un capitolo economia
- Un capitolo estadistico
- Un capitolo reglamentación
- Un capitolo desarollo
Para la preparación de la encyclopedia el autor fuó assistido de una cuadrilla de expertos internacionales.
Dr. Maxime Kleinpeter